The Del Peix al Plat project was born in 2013 by Anna Bozzano, a Marine Biologist and PhD in Marine Sciences who, after her long career in several national and international research centers, decided to dedicate herself full-time to scientific dissemination.
The objective of Del Peix al Plat is to make the sea and the marine environment known, with educational and tourist experiences that make us reflect on the needs of this ecosystem and the impact that our actions can have.
Bring the seafaring culture of the local community and the natural resources of the territory closer, discovering the Barccelona Fishermen's Guild, a unique and little-known enclave of the city.
Its great awareness of the needs of the marine ecosystem makes Del peix al Plat a project with great involvement with the city's seafaring community and Sustainability.

Anna Bozzano
Founder and Director of El Peix al Plat- Barcelona Fishing Tourism
I am a marine biologist by training and at heart. I graduated in Natural Sciences from the University of Genoa (Italy) and in Biology from the University of Barcelona.
I did my doctorate at the Institut de Ciéncies del Mar (CSIC) in Barcelona and obtained the title of Doctor in Marine Sciences from the UPC. I specialized in fishing and in the biology and ecology of fish and sharks.
With international experience in research (James Cook University, Australia; London City University, United Kingdom) and 20 years as a researcher at the ICM-CSIC in Barcelona, I founded El Peix al Plat in 2013.
Nuria Izaguirre Jabardo
Marketing and Communication Manager
I graduated in Biology from the University of Alcalá and obtained my master's degree in Oceanography and Marine Environment Management at the University of Barcelona.
Since 2018 I have been dedicated to environmental education and raising awareness about the environmental problems we face today. I am passionate about transmitting knowledge in a dynamic and different way.
In addition, I have also participated with NGOs in the field of conservation, both nationally and internationally, with various species.


Definition of sustainability:
Responsible use and consumption of current natural resources to satisfy human needs without mortgaging the ability of future generations to satisfy theirs. (Gro Harlem Brundtland 1987)
Del Peix al Plat we have worked since our beginnings with sustainability as a common thread and we are actively involved in several projects.
Since 2021, it has had the Biosphere seal, a sustainability certification that recognizes tourism companies that meet the criteria of the 2030 Agenda and the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations. The seal offers a guarantee of economic, socio-cultural and environmental balance.

Since 2015, it has been part of the group promoting the Barcelona +Sostenible Map (, a participatory tool to publicize spaces and itineraries that may have alternative tourist interest, more local and sustainable, and wants to highlight the city's lesser-known places of environmental, cultural and social heritage interest.
Somos sostenibles, somos científicas y somos divulgativas.
- Adhered to the Barcelona Plastic Zero commitment
- Members of the Catalan Association Dones de la Mar
- Members of the Spanish Network of Women in the fishing sector
- Collaborators of the CRAM (Marine Animal Recovery Center)
- Collaborators of the CETT-UB Master: Innovation in Tourism Management specializing in Culinary and Gastronomic Heritage